Monday, 18 September 2017

September Update

My mother suggested that she needed an update on our status.  (I told her she could just call or stop over, but I think she was maybe suggesting that I get another post up.)  Here you go, Mom!

We have some exciting news to pass along, as well as a few prayer requests to share with you.

First, the news:  

We are now at 80% of our support being raised.  Massive thanks to all of those who have committed to this mission opportunity!  We are continually humbled and grateful for all who have joined with us in this.  We definitely couldn't do it without you; this is truly a group effort.  Another $1200 / month will get us on our way!

This is where we are on the map, making the
turn at Kpalime and heading up towards Adeta.

And, if we had $10 for every time someone said "You guys are so brave (or crazy, or whatever) for doing this...!" we'd be even closer to meeting our requirements!

The thing is, it isn't that crazy.  If we can do it, anyone can.  Lots of people already have.  It's just a matter of stepping out in faith, stepping outside your comfort zone - or departing the entire vicinity of said comfort zone - and going for it.  Whether for a couple of weeks, a couple of months or longer, it's a great experience.  Being involved in what God is doing around the world and broadening your view of missions is so rewarding!  And before you know it, your comfort zone gets a whole lot bigger.

Next, some prayer requests:

We need to rent our house.  This is a big one.  God's got something planned, we just need to discover what it is.  He's been faithful this far through all the details, and He can definitely handle this one.  However, it still looms over our heads, so continue to pray.

You could be living here for the next year and a bit...

We need to sell a couple of vehicles, as well.  Not as big an issue but something that needs to be done regardless.  

We have to pick a departure date.  Without being fully supported, we need to come up with a specific date that we can tell bosses, parents and the new tenants for the house we will be out of the country!  A bit of a step of faith this is, but again... we will trust.

Christine has her end-of-working date set at October 19th.  Any time after that we are free to go!

That's A Wrap!

For this post, that's all the information we have.  As we get more news and a departure date, we'll be sure to communicate that to everyone who is following along.  

As always, if you'd like to contact us you can send an email to
You can contact us - well, Christine really - on Facebook.
And now, you can also follow us on Instagram, too:  5cent_mission or