Sunday, 25 October 2015

My Journey To Africa

by Christine

A Visit To The Hospital

I have not always been a fan of missions...short term trips in particular.  I struggled greatly with the financial costs associated with them.  I always felt the money could be used so much better being invested directly into the missionaries serving the third world people groups, not North Americans going over there for a short period of time.   And then my brother-in-law went to Togo on a mission trip.  I had no idea what this event was about to stir within me.
Here I am now - going on a mission trip!  

How I have gone from that point to where I am today has been the result of prayers, reflection and the realization of my lack of trust in God.

Plans Come Together

Derek was able to go visit our family in Togo  three years ago, in the winter of 2013.  He was impacted in a big way.  His love for the people of Africa was so evident.  He wanted to go back.  I was not so interested, yet.  I heard Derek talk about how the hospital staff walk around and pray with their patients, and how this hospital sees 2000 people make a commitment to follow Jesus as their Saviour every year!  Incredible!  I was intrigued by this and longed to see this.   We talked about doing missions trips after we retired.

I had saved up for an approved leave from my work at the hospital, seven month’s worth.  As Derek and I were discussing what we were going to do with this incredible gift from God, God would whisper in my ear thoughts of Africa.  These thoughts would be quickly followed by intense fear and feelings of inadequacy.  I wasn't too quick to catch on, but I eventually came to the realization that fear was stopping me from acting.  

How many times in the Bible does it say "Do not fear!" ?  The answer - 365 times!  (once for each day of the year!)  We have tried to raise our boys to be brave and not fearful.  There was a day a couple of summers ago that 3 different people said to me, "Wow, your boys are fearless!"  Praise be to God.

So, when I acknowledged to God and myself that fear was holding me back, that opened up a floodgate for me.  I was now jumping in with both feet.  Derek and I eagerly started to pursue a mission’s trip.

Confidence In Him

Sitting at work one day, fears of inability started creeping in again, but, this time I took that fear and gave it to God.  I said, "I can't - - but You can!"  A great quote I read recently says, "God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called".  God is growing my trust in Him.  I am loosening the grip on the steering wheel of my life.  He's a better driver anyways!  I know God has called our family to go to Togo.  Derek and I are answering that call and I am at peace knowing that He doesn't call us to something without also supplying all we need to do it.

Here is a verse that God showed me just yesterday, it's found in Luke 10:19 ..."I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”  
I would like to add spiders into that verse, as well...

This one was found on the hospital grounds.  It didn't survive.

This snake was dispatched, as well.

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