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Adding some more colour to the road map! |
Well, this is an exciting update. We are now sitting at 46% of our required support. I'll let that sink in for just a moment.
We're so excited to have so many people give to the work God is doing in a little hospital in Togo, Africa! And that we get to be involved in this work - to be five pairs of 'boots on the ground' in that work... that's both awesome and humbling at the same time.
Awesome - that we get to be a part of a ministry striving to see people made healthy both physically and spiritually. A ministry dedicated to introducing people to God, and planting local churches to further that influence out in expanding rings into the countryside.
And humbling - that friends both new and old, family, co-workers, church members... all of them, all of YOU, sacrificially give to God so that we can receive from God these donations and use them to do our part of the work at HBB in Togo. Thank you so much. Without the givers, there are not going to be very many goers. Also humbling because God doesn't really need us, but allows us to be part of it! How cool is that.
In Training
In early June, Christine and I went to the ABWE Head office (that's the mission agency we are going with) for some intensive training on a whole bunch of different topics: language and culture, personal safety and security, cross-cultural evangelism, spiritual warfare, personality profiles, the Good Soil program, and a few others. So much information packed into three days of classroom sitting. My sponge could only absorb so much before it was full!
It was great to have lunch and dinner with some of the other short term missionaries that will also be heading out soon, as well as with many seasoned and experienced missionaries who are now training the next generation. It was fun to see some familiar faces who we met in Togo on our last trip, like these ones pictured below.
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Christine and I with Dr. Sarah, who is working at the Hospital Of Hope in Mango, Togo |
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Ron and Ann Washer - he's the Regional Director for Africa at ABWE. |
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Christine's sorry about the HOH t-shirt. She needs one from HBB to show her support! |
What's Next??
We need to keep working and keep raising more support. We need another 54% to get all five of us on a plane and heading to West Africa. Continue to keep us in your prayers. We're in need of them both here in Ontario and then when we're in Togo.
Christine has been granted a year of leave, for sure - with the possibility of an extension of up to six months. That is a huge answer to prayer, although the time is shorter than what we had initially hoped for. God has a plan, however. We'll continue to trust and follow along. Join with us in the journey - it's bound to be exciting! We hope for a mid-October-ish departure still.
As we get closer to our departure, we'll have a couple of vehicles to sell and a house to rent (if my Aunt Kathy hasn't convinced my Uncle Al to move into the city by then. Just sayin'...). Those would be couple of other things to keep on your prayer lists. (Not my aunt and uncle, but the house and cars situations!)
The Road Map - Lome to Tsiko
This map is hanging on the wall in our family room. As funds come in, we're filling in spaces on the road from Lome airport to the Hopital Baptiste Biblique in Tsiko, Togo. We're so close to half-way!
Here is what the map looks like today, July 11th.
If you want to contact us, you can email us at penny.missions@gmail.com.
If you have interest in becoming one of our supporters to help our ministry in Togo, definitely contact us. We'll get all the information you need.
Super excited for you!!! We are praying faithfully and can't wait to see you out here. =)