Monday, 11 December 2017

Something's In The Air

Show and Tell

Keenan and Logan are in the afternoon session of school in the one room schoolhouse, grades 4 – 8 included. They have weekly 'show and tell' still. It doesn't take very long with only six students.

Avery is one of the girls. She had the chance to do her show and tell second, after Logan showed his folding pocket knife first. Well, she had a little pocket knife of her own that she wanted to show everyone. It was a turquoise colour and 'small and cute and girly', as Logan described it. Once she had finished, it was time for the other boys to go. Not to be outdone, Avery's older brother Paton showed off his knife, followed by Keenan who also decided to show a knife, just to keep the theme going. Six kids in the class - and a total of seven knives were present...

School in Togo is definitely a bit different.

No 'small and cute and girly' knives in this picture!

My 'show and tell' is to show the cool skies God paints at night,
and I am able to capture them like this.

Dinner Guests

Last year, when we were here, we enjoyed hosting people for dinner at our house. We were often the recipients of such blessing, hearing the stories and experiences of the different medical and missionary staff that came to eat with us. We had the chance to host our fist dinner already. Dr. Josh, Dr. Brett and Dr. Yamena all came for 'make your own pizza' night. (We chose this meal so we couldn't be blamed if they didn't like theirs!) Josh and Brett are family medicine doctors, and Yamena is a surgeon. They're all great people to spend time with.

We had a great time getting to know the three of them better, as well as giving them a break from another meal in the Guest House setting. We hope to continue this as it has become a bit of a tradition here.

(Best wishes for the upcoming marriage proposal, Josh!)

Family Reunion!!

We were able to celebrate American Thanksgiving with my sister and her family. They are working in the northern part of Togo at another mission hospital, the Hospital Of Hope, in Mango.

First hugs after a year apart!

They all made the drive down for a quick weekend visit. It was so good to hang out with them all. Our boys were so glad to see their cousins as it had been a year since we had been together. What a fun reunion! We ate, played and hung out together. Nate and I were able to do some work, too.

It was a bit surreal to be sitting around a bunch of tables eating turkey and stuffing and pumpkin pie in a West African country with family. Surreal, but we loved it! We're making plans for a chance to get together after Christmas with them, too.

     [UPDATE: Knives are no longer permitted in school, as they became a distraction. In our Sunday church announcement time, the teacher requested a pencil sharpener as the electric one they have is a bit temperamental. A couple of boys - who shall remain unnamed - suggested knives as a way to sharpen the pencils...]

Harmatan Is Here!

Harmatan is a unique weather phenomenon in Togo and a large portion of West Africa. The winter winds from the north blow sand and dust from the Sahara Desert high into the air and then across the countries to the south and west. The air becomes filled with very fine dust which settles in or on everything. It's like fog - without the moisture. The one blessing is that the dust blocks the sun's intensity and lowers the temperatures a little bit overall.

The view on December 10, 2017, with the harmatan

The same view from last July, just cloudy.

We had two days with heavy rain showers, which the locals say was the last rain that ushers in the harmatan. The lush green mountains behind the hospital compound became obscured in the dust. Any flat surface in the house, hospital or outside got coated with a fine layer of it, too. 'Clean freaks' would have a nightmare here at this time of year.  

The Plane, The Plane!!

It arrived! After years of being without an aircraft, it has been delivered! What an awesome moment, when the aviation guys cracked open the doors of the container! 

Breaking the seal on the door

Our first look inside!

 We began unloading airplane parts out of a smoking hot container. Outside it was 96 degrees F, inside the big tin can it was only hotter!  Wings, ailerons, other control surfaces, and the fuselage all came off and were safely stored in the hangar in preparation for re-assembly.

A customs official was on hand to inspect items coming off
the container

My view, pushing the fuselage out the doors.

The final parts rolled off and we had time for a couple of pictures with the plane, still soaked and sweaty.

Derek, Ryan, Jason and John.  Sweaty, tired, but glad to
see the plane in the hangar.

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Here are just a few pictures of some things we've seen around here.

A termite queen that some of our workers
dug out of the ground.  Gross!

Hitching a ride on one of the compound's roads

Finishing the roof on the drive shed.

A classic old Rover on the side of the road

Logan sporting a new outfit for church.


  1. Thanks for sharing Derek , so glad that you were able to get together with Erin and the family. I do like Logan’s outfit , very spiffy. Wishing you and Christine and the boys a blessed Christmas . Praying for you .��������

  2. Great update. So fun! We can hardly wait to get back!! Cheryl and Michael

  3. Great update. So fun! We can hardly wait to get back!! Cheryl and Michael
